Package-level declarations


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data class Decoration(val backgroundColor: Int? = null)

The decoration of the StoryStep

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data class StoryStep(val id: String = GenerateId.generate(), val localId: String = GenerateId.generate(), val type: StoryType, val parentId: String? = null, val url: String? = null, val path: String? = null, val text: String? = null, val title: String? = null, val checked: Boolean? = false, val steps: List<StoryStep> = emptyList(), val tags: Set<TagInfo> = emptySet(), val decoration: Decoration = Decoration())

The model defining the information that can be draw in the screen. This is the most basic building block of the library and can have many types like image, message, audio, video, button, empty space, etc.

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data class StoryType(val name: String, val number: Int)

The type of a StoryStep you can add new types by adding a unused name and number. It is recommended to use your package name before the name of the type and use any number above 100.

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The default types of StoryTypes. You can add more types without extending this enum (which is final), by creating new strings of types.

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enum Tag : Enum<Tag>
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data class TagInfo(val tag: Tag, val position: Int = 0)