
data class StoryStep(val id: String = GenerateId.generate(), val localId: String = GenerateId.generate(), val type: StoryType, val parentId: String? = null, val url: String? = null, val path: String? = null, val text: String? = null, val title: String? = null, val checked: Boolean? = false, val steps: List<StoryStep> = emptyList(), val tags: Set<TagInfo> = emptySet(), val decoration: Decoration = Decoration())

The model defining the information that can be draw in the screen. This is the most basic building block of the library and can have many types like image, message, audio, video, button, empty space, etc.



the ID of the story step. It should be used both in the database and backend.


This in a temporary ID that identifies the current drawing of the content of the StoryStep. It should change everytime the StoryStep is going to be draw in the screen.


StoryType The is the type that identifies the story step. The SDK supports many different types like Message, Image, Check_Item, Space, Title, etc.


The ID of a parent StoryStep, in case this StoryStep is inside a group.


Used for fetch an image, video, audio or other type of content.


Local path for content, like image, video, audio or other type of content.


The text of the StoryStep.


If the type of this StorySteo is "check_item" or other type that can be checked this parameter holds the information if it is checked or not.


List a groups of StorySteps that can be inside the current StoryStep, if it is a group.


Decoration The decoration fo the StoryStep.


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constructor(id: String = GenerateId.generate(), localId: String = GenerateId.generate(), type: StoryType, parentId: String? = null, url: String? = null, path: String? = null, text: String? = null, title: String? = null, checked: Boolean? = false, steps: List<StoryStep> = emptyList(), tags: Set<TagInfo> = emptySet(), decoration: Decoration = Decoration())


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val checked: Boolean? = false
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val id: String
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val key: Int
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val parentId: String? = null
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val path: String? = null
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val text: String? = null
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val title: String? = null
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val url: String? = null


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fun copyNewLocalId(localId: String = GenerateId.generate()): StoryStep