Package-level declarations
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class WriteopiaStateManager(stepsNormalizer: UnitsNormalizationMap = StepsMapNormalizationBuilder.reduceNormalizations {
}, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, coroutineScope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(EmptyCoroutineContext), backStackManager: BackstackManager, userId: suspend () -> String = { "no_user_id_provided" }, writeopiaManager: WriteopiaManager, val selectionState: StateFlow<Boolean>, keyboardEventFlow: Flow<KeyboardEvent>, drawStateModify: (List<DrawStory>, Int) -> List<DrawStory> = StepsModifier::modify) : BackstackHandler, BackstackInform
This is the entry class of the framework. It follows the Controller pattern, redirecting all the call to another class responsible for the part of the SDK requested.