
class WriteopiaStateManager(stepsNormalizer: UnitsNormalizationMap = StepsMapNormalizationBuilder.reduceNormalizations { defaultNormalizers() }, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, coroutineScope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(EmptyCoroutineContext), backStackManager: BackstackManager, userId: suspend () -> String = { "no_user_id_provided" }, writeopiaManager: WriteopiaManager) : BackstackHandler, BackstackInform

This is the entry class of the framework. It follows the Controller pattern, redirecting all the call to another class responsible for the part of the SDK requested.


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constructor(stepsNormalizer: UnitsNormalizationMap = StepsMapNormalizationBuilder.reduceNormalizations { defaultNormalizers() }, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, coroutineScope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(EmptyCoroutineContext), backStackManager: BackstackManager, userId: suspend () -> String = { "no_user_id_provided" }, writeopiaManager: WriteopiaManager)


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object Companion


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open override val canRedo: StateFlow<Boolean>

Notifies if it is possible to redo an action.

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open override val canUndo: StateFlow<Boolean>

Notifies if it is possible to undo an action.

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val currentStory: StateFlow<StoryState>
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val onEditPositions: StateFlow<Set<Int>>
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val scrollToPosition: StateFlow<Int?>
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val toDraw: Flow<DrawState>


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At the moment it is only possible to check items not inside groups. Todo: Fix it!

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At the moment it is only possible to check items not inside groups. Todo: Fix it!

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fun changeStoryType(position: Int, storyType: StoryType, commandInfo: CommandInfo?)

Changes the story type. The type of a messages changes without changing the content of it. Commands normally change the type of a message. From a message to a unordered list item, for example.

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A click at the end of the document. The focus should be moved to the first StoryStep that can receive the focus, from last to first.

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Deletes the whole selection. All StoryStep in the selection will be deleted.

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fun liveSync(sharedEditionManager: SharedEditionManager)
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fun loadDocument(document: Document)

Initializes a document passed as a parameter. This method should be used when you would like to load a document from a database and start editing it, instead of creating something new.

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Merges two StoryStep into a group. This can be used to merge two images into a message group or any other kind of group.

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A request to move a content to a position.

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fun newStory(documentId: String = GenerateId.generate(), title: String = "", forceRestart: Boolean = false)

Creates a new story. Use this when you wouldn't like to load a documented previously saved.

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fun nextFocusOrCreate(position: Int)

Moves the focus to the next available StoryStep if it can't find a step to focus, it creates a new StoryStep at the end of the document.

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fun onClear()

Clears the WriteopiaStateManager. Use this in the onCleared of your ViewModel.

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fun onDelete(deleteStory: Action.DeleteStory)

Deletes a StoryStep

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Creates a line break. When a line break happens, the line it divided into two StorySteps of the same, if possible, or the next line will be a Message.

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fun onSelected(isSelected: Boolean, position: Int)

Add a StoryStep of a position into the selection list. Selected content can be used to perform bulk actions, like bulk edition and bulk deletion.

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open override fun redo()

Redo the last undone action.

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fun saveOnStoryChanges(documentTracker: DocumentTracker)

Saves the document automatically as it is changed. It uses the DocumentTracker passed in the constructor of WriteopiaStateManager

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open override fun undo()

Undo the last action.