Package-level declarations
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data class DrawConfig(val titleStyle: @Composable (FontFamily?) -> TextStyle = { font ->
fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onBackground,
fontFamily = font
}, val titlePlaceHolderStyle: @Composable () -> TextStyle = {
fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
color = Color.LightGray
}, val textDrawerStartPadding: Int = 8, val textDrawerInnerStartPadding: Int = 4, val textVerticalPadding: Int = 0, val codeBlockStartPadding: Int = 8, val codeBlockHorizontalInnerPadding: Int = 12, val codeBlockVerticalInnerPadding: Int = 8, val checkBoxStartPadding: Int = 16, val checkBoxEndPadding: Int = 8, val checkBoxItemVerticalPadding: Int = 8, val listItemStartPadding: Int = 16, val listItemEndPadding: Int = 8, val listItemItemVerticalPadding: Int = 8, val selectedColor: @Composable () -> Color = { MaterialTheme.colorScheme.primary }, val selectedBorderColor: @Composable () -> Color = { MaterialTheme.colorScheme.primary })
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data class DrawStory(val storyStep: StoryStep, val position: Int, val isSelected: Boolean = false, val cursor: Selection? = null, val extraInfo: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap())
Class meant to be draw in the screen. It contains both the information of a story step and meta information and the state of the TextEditor like if the message is selected
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