
DocumentRepository is the repository for using simple CRUD operations in Document. The implementations of this interface shouldn't control order (sorting) or oder configurations, those need to be passed as parameters.


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abstract suspend fun deleteByUserId(userId: String)

Deleted all the documents of a User

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abstract suspend fun deleteDocument(document: Document)
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abstract suspend fun deleteDocumentByIds(ids: Set<String>)
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abstract suspend fun loadDocumentById(id: String): Document?
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abstract suspend fun loadDocumentsForUser(orderBy: String, userId: String): List<Document>
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abstract suspend fun loadDocumentsWithContentByIds(ids: List<String>, orderBy: String): List<Document>
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abstract suspend fun moveDocumentsToNewUser(oldUserId: String, newUserId: String)

Moves all tickets from one user to another. Use this we would like to pass all the data of documents to another user. When the offline user becomes a new online user, all documents should be moved to the new online user.

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abstract suspend override fun saveDocument(document: Document)

Saves document. Both with content and meta data.

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abstract suspend override fun saveDocumentMetadata(document: Document)

Saves the document meta data. Use this was updating the content of the document is not necessary. This is a much lighter operation than saveDocument, because it is not necessary to save/update all lines of content.

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abstract suspend override fun saveStoryStep(storyStep: StoryStep, position: Int, documentId: String)
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abstract suspend fun updateStoryStep(storyStep: StoryStep, position: Int, documentId: String)