Package-level declarations


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class ContentHandler(focusableTypes: Set<Int> = setOf( StoryTypes.TITLE.type.number, StoryTypes.TEXT.type.number, StoryTypes.CHECK_ITEM.type.number, StoryTypes.UNORDERED_LIST_ITEM.type.number, ), stepsNormalizer: UnitsNormalizationMap, lineBreakMap: (StoryType) -> StoryType = ::defaultLineBreakMap, isTextStory: (StoryStep) -> Boolean = { story -> focusableTypes.contains(story.type.number) })

Class dedicated to handle adding, deleting or changing StorySteps

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interface DocumentTracker

Saves the document automatically based of content changes.

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interface DocumentUpdate

Repository responsible for saving the document updates.

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object FindStory

Helper object to find StoryUnits inside a the List. This object search in the list and also in GroupSteps.

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class FocusHandler(isMessageFn: (Int) -> Boolean = { typeNumber -> typeNumber == StoryTypes.TEXT.type.number || typeNumber == StoryTypes.TEXT_BOX.type.number || typeNumber == StoryTypes.CHECK_ITEM.type.number || typeNumber == StoryTypes.UNORDERED_LIST_ITEM.type.number })

This class is responsible to control the focus of the edition of story. (example: If the text of a story is being edited, this story has the current focus.)

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Class responsible to handle move requests of Stories. This class handles the logic to move a Story to another position, when a Story is grouped together with another one and when a Story is separated from a group.

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class WriteopiaManager(stepsNormalizer: UnitsNormalizationMap = StepsMapNormalizationBuilder.reduceNormalizations { defaultNormalizers() }, movementHandler: MovementHandler = MovementHandler(), contentHandler: ContentHandler = ContentHandler( stepsNormalizer = stepsNormalizer ), focusHandler: FocusHandler = FocusHandler())


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