
class RoomDocumentRepository(documentEntityDao: DocumentEntityDao, storyUnitEntityDao: StoryUnitEntityDao) : DocumentRepository


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constructor(documentEntityDao: DocumentEntityDao, storyUnitEntityDao: StoryUnitEntityDao)


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open suspend override fun deleteByUserId(userId: String)
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open suspend override fun deleteDocument(document: Document)
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open suspend override fun deleteDocumentByIds(ids: Set<String>)
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open suspend override fun loadDocumentById(id: String): Document?
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open suspend override fun loadDocumentsForUser(orderBy: String, userId: String): List<Document>
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open suspend override fun loadDocumentsWithContentByIds(ids: List<String>, orderBy: String): List<Document>
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open suspend override fun moveDocumentsToNewUser(oldUserId: String, newUserId: String)
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open suspend override fun saveDocument(document: Document)
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open suspend override fun saveDocumentMetadata(document: Document)
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open suspend override fun saveStoryStep(storyStep: StoryStep, position: Int, documentId: String)
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open suspend override fun updateStoryStep(storyStep: StoryStep, position: Int, documentId: String)