
class HeaderDrawer(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, headerClick: () -> Unit = {}, textDrawer: () -> SimpleTextDrawer, placeHolderStyle: @Composable () -> TextStyle = { MaterialTheme.typography.displaySmall.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold, color = Color.LightGray ) }) : StoryStepDrawer

The header for the Document. It applies some stylish to the title of the document.


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constructor(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, headerClick: () -> Unit = {}, textDrawer: () -> SimpleTextDrawer, placeHolderStyle: @Composable () -> TextStyle = { MaterialTheme.typography.displaySmall.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold, color = Color.LightGray ) })


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open override fun Step(step: StoryStep, drawInfo: DrawInfo)

Draws the StoryStep including its DrawInfo