Package-level declarations


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A simple Add button.

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class DesktopTextItemDrawer(modifier: Modifier, customBackgroundColor: Color, clickable: Boolean, onSelected: (Boolean, Int) -> Unit, dragIconWidth: Dp, config: DrawConfig, onDragHover: (Int) -> Unit, onDragStart: () -> Unit, onDragStop: () -> Unit, moveRequest: (Action.Move) -> Unit, startContent: @Composable (StoryStep, DrawInfo) -> Unit?, endContent: @Composable (StoryStep, DrawInfo, Boolean) -> Unit? = null, isDesktop: Boolean, messageDrawer: @Composable RowScope.() -> SimpleTextDrawer, tagDecoration: TagDecoration = DefaultTagDecoration) : StoryStepDrawer

Drawer for a complex message with swipe action, drag and drop logic and a start content to add functionality like a checkbox or a different Composable.

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class HeaderDrawer(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, headerClick: () -> Unit = {}, textDrawer: () -> SimpleTextDrawer, placeHolderStyle: @Composable () -> TextStyle = { MaterialTheme.typography.displaySmall.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold, color = Color.LightGray ) }) : StoryStepDrawer

The header for the Document. It applies some stylish to the title of the document.

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class ImageDrawer(containerModifier: (Boolean) -> Modifier? = { null }, mergeRequest: (Action.Merge) -> Unit = { }) : StoryStepDrawer

Draws a image. Uses Coil to parse the image.

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class LastEmptySpace(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, height: Dp = 500.dp, moveRequest: (Action.Move) -> Unit = {}, click: () -> Unit = {}) : StoryStepDrawer

Draws an large empty space. This can be used to add a spacial action to the end of an document and hide this behaviour from the user. Indeed use is to move the focus to the available text drawer when clicked.

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class RowGroupDrawer(stepDrawer: StoryStepDrawer, modifier: Modifier = Modifier) : StoryStepDrawer

Draws a scrollable list of images accordingly with the imageStepDrawer provided.

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class SpaceDrawer(config: DrawConfig, moveRequest: (Action.Move) -> Unit = {}, backgroundColor: Color = Color.Transparent, tagDecoration: TagDecoration = DefaultTagDecoration, modifier: Modifier = Modifier) : StoryStepDrawer

Draws a white space. This Drawer is very important for accepting drop os other Composables for reorder purposes. A space create a move request when dropping Composables in it while the other story units create a mergeRequest.

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class TextDrawer(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onKeyEvent: (KeyEvent, TextFieldValue, StoryStep, Int, EmptyErase, Int, EndOfText) -> Boolean = { _, _, _, _, _, _, _ -> false }, textStyle: @Composable (StoryStep) -> TextStyle = { defaultTextStyle(it) }, onTextEdit: (TextInput, Int, Boolean) -> Unit = { _, _, _ -> }, lineBreakByContent: Boolean = true, emptyErase: EmptyErase = EmptyErase.CHANGE_TYPE, var onFocusChanged: (Int, FocusState) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, selectionState: StateFlow<Boolean>, onSelectionLister: (Int) -> Unit) : SimpleTextDrawer

Simple message drawer intended to be used as a component for more complex drawers. This class contains the logic of the basic message of the SDK. As many other drawers need some text in it this Drawer can be used instead of duplicating this text logic.


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fun checkItemDrawer(manager: WriteopiaStateManager, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, dragIconWidth: Dp = 16.dp, config: DrawConfig, checkBoxPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(0.dp), isDesktop: Boolean, messageDrawer: @Composable RowScope.() -> SimpleTextDrawer): StoryStepDrawer

fun checkItemDrawer(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, customBackgroundColor: Color = Color.Transparent, clickable: Boolean = true, onSelected: (Boolean, Int) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, dragIconWidth: Dp = 16.dp, config: DrawConfig, onCheckedChange: (Action.StoryStateChange) -> Unit = {}, onDragHover: (Int) -> Unit, onDragStart: () -> Unit, onDragStop: () -> Unit, moveRequest: (Action.Move) -> Unit, checkBoxPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(0.dp), isDesktop: Boolean, startContent: @Composable (StoryStep, DrawInfo) -> Unit? = { step, drawInfo -> CompositionLocalProvider(LocalMinimumInteractiveComponentEnforcement provides false) { // Spacer(modifier = Modifier.width(8.dp)) Checkbox( checked = step.checked == true, onCheckedChange = { checked -> onCheckedChange( Action.StoryStateChange( step.copy(checked = checked), drawInfo.position ) ) }, modifier = Modifier.padding(checkBoxPadding), enabled = drawInfo.editable, ) } }, messageDrawer: @Composable RowScope.() -> SimpleTextDrawer): StoryStepDrawer

Check item drawer. Draws a checkbox followed by a text.

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fun headerDrawer(manager: WriteopiaStateManager, headerClick: () -> Unit, onKeyEvent: (KeyEvent, TextFieldValue, StoryStep, Int, EmptyErase, Int, EndOfText) -> Boolean, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, lineBreakByContent: Boolean, selectionState: StateFlow<Boolean>, drawConfig: DrawConfig, fontFamily: FontFamily? = null): StoryStepDrawer
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fun swipeTextDrawer(manager: WriteopiaStateManager, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, dragIconWidth: Dp = 16.dp, config: DrawConfig, isDesktop: Boolean, endContent: @Composable (StoryStep, DrawInfo, Boolean) -> Unit? = null, messageDrawer: @Composable RowScope.() -> SimpleTextDrawer): StoryStepDrawer

fun swipeTextDrawer(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, customBackgroundColor: Color = Color.Transparent, clickable: Boolean = true, dragIconWidth: Dp = 16.dp, config: DrawConfig, onSelected: (Boolean, Int) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, onDragHover: (Int) -> Unit, onDragStart: () -> Unit = {}, onDragStop: () -> Unit = {}, moveRequest: (Action.Move) -> Unit = {}, messageDrawer: @Composable RowScope.() -> SimpleTextDrawer, isDesktop: Boolean, endContent: @Composable (StoryStep, DrawInfo, Boolean) -> Unit? = null): StoryStepDrawer

Draw a text that can be edited with a swipe effect to trigger edition.

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fun unOrderedListItemDrawer(isDesktop: Boolean, manager: WriteopiaStateManager, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, dragIconWidth: Dp = 16.dp, checkBoxPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(0.dp), config: DrawConfig, messageDrawer: @Composable RowScope.() -> SimpleTextDrawer): StoryStepDrawer

Drawer for a unordered list. This type of item it just a normal message with some decoration at the start of Composable to show that this is part of a list.

fun unOrderedListItemDrawer(isDesktop: Boolean, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, customBackgroundColor: Color = Color.Transparent, clickable: Boolean = true, onSelected: (Boolean, Int) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, dragIconWidth: Dp = 16.dp, checkBoxPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(0.dp), config: DrawConfig, onDragHover: (Int) -> Unit, onDragStart: () -> Unit, onDragStop: () -> Unit, moveRequest: (Action.Move) -> Unit = {}, startContent: @Composable (StoryStep, DrawInfo) -> Unit? = { _, _ -> Text( modifier = Modifier.padding(checkBoxPadding), text = "-", style = MaterialTheme.typography.bodyMedium, color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onBackground ) }, messageDrawer: @Composable RowScope.() -> SimpleTextDrawer): StoryStepDrawer