
fun unOrderedListItemDrawer(manager: WriteopiaStateManager, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, dragIconWidth: Dp = 16.dp, messageDrawer: @Composable RowScope.() -> SimpleTextDrawer): StoryStepDrawer

Drawer for a unordered list. This type of item it just a normal message with some decoration at the start of Composable to show that this is part of a list.

fun unOrderedListItemDrawer(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, customBackgroundColor: Color = Color.Transparent, clickable: Boolean = true, onSelected: (Boolean, Int) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, dragIconWidth: Dp = 16.dp, startContent: @Composable (StoryStep, DrawInfo) -> Unit? = { _, _ -> Spacer(modifier = Modifier.width(8.dp)) Text( modifier = Modifier.padding(horizontal = 2.dp), text = "-", ) }, messageDrawer: @Composable RowScope.() -> SimpleTextDrawer): StoryStepDrawer